Exeter MR Research Centre

For New Projects

Prior to the commencement of each individual study the following paperwork needs to be supplied to the MR department:

1) Project form

which you should fill in online

2) Ethics form

having human participation you need to provide ethic approval for your study.

For Ongoing Projects

For each study that includes human participants a number of other forms are required to be filled in by each participant.

1) Safety consent form

This form should either be filled out by the participant prior to attending their scanning session, or, once they arrive (PDF file, doc file).

2) Data protection consent form

This form should either be filled out by the participant prior to attending their scanning session, or, once they arrive (PDF file, doc file).

3) Information Sheet

In addition, an information sheet should be provided for each participant, which will be vary from study to study, with an example available via the following link (Information sheet example (PDF file, doc file)). This information form will be required as part of the ethics application, and thus should be included in the copy of the ethics form which is provided to the MR department prior to the beginning of the study.

It is the experimenters responsibility to ensure that all participants they recruit for their study are appropriate for MR scanning and do not show any contraindications as indicated via the safety consent form. This form should either be filled out by the participant prior to attending their scanning session, or, once they arrive, providing the details of the form have already been discussed. Prior to scanning, these forms will be assessed by the scanner operator to ensure the participant is suitable. In the event of them not being so, it will be the experimenters responsibility for the loss of scanning time that this may result in.

Booking Protocol

For the booking rules visit the help page

Rules for Users

Users of the facility should consider a number of basic rules. Firstly, at the end of a scanning session, it is important that the scanner room is left in the same condition as prior to the session. Thus, the researcher in a following session should never find themselves in the position where they have to tidy the room prior to beginning their scanning of a booked session to allow tidying up without running into the booked time of others.

In addition to the inconvenience to other users, researchers who overrun their sessions will be charged for the additional time they use, to the point of being charged for a whole additional session in the event of extensive over-running.

It is a users responsibility to ensure that the data they collect is adequately archived. Facilities exist within the facility for storage either via CD, DVD disks or transfered using USB stick to the user computer. All data that remains on the scanning computer after 1 month will be deleted without checking with the relevant user whether it has been backed -up.

For safety procedures and full rules of operation of the Centre see the safety page .