Exeter MR Research Centre

MRI Quiz - Level One

Choose the correct answer for each question.
  1. 1) Increasing the magnetic field?
    1. produuces less susceptibility artifacts.
    2. Reduces the risk of tissue heating.
    3. Increase the signal to noise.
    4. Reduces the danger from metallic projectiles.
  2. 2) A major advantage of MRI is:
    1. the ease with which equipment is updated or replaced.
    2. its relatively low cost, compared to CT scans.
    3. dose not require specialized room
    4. the ability to reposition the 'cross-section' through the body without repositioning the patient.
  3. 3) A growing application of MRI is "MRA", which stands for:
    1. Magnetic Resonance Amplication
    2. Magnetic Resonance Angiography
    3. Minimal Radiology Applications
    4. Medical Research Assistance
  4. 4) What does "MRI" stand for?
    1. Magneto-Ray Idometry
    2. Medical Radiometry Instrument
    3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    4. Maximal Radiology Imaging
  5. 5) True or False - T1 increases with magnetic field.
    1. False
    2. True
  6. 6) What is a major health concern wth MRI?
    1. Reaction to applied drugs
    2. extrerme cold?
    3. Radiation dose
    4. localized burns due to metallic implants?
  7. 7) Compare MRI to CT ("CAT scans"). Which is true?
    1. Both methods use X-rays, but exposure is higher with CT.
    2. CT reveals soft structures, while MRI is better at dense material, such as bone.
    3. Both methods produce cross-sectional images at a specified plane through the body.
  8. 8) Select one of the following objects that you think would alwasy be safe in the MRI suite.
    1. A wheelchair
    2. A stretcher
    3. Scissors
    4. None of the listed
  9. 9) True or False - T1 relaxation is shorter than T2 relaxation.
    1. False
    2. True
  10. 10) What is the maximum stength of magnet approved for medical imaging of patient?
    1. 7.0 T
    2. 1.5 T
    3. 5.0 T
    4. 3.0 T